Purewow for the week:
Our own New Liturgist brought to our attention this article when it came across her desk: “Why Millennials Long for Liturgy.” Even if the reasons behind our liturgical inclination are numerous, the author suggests, liturgy unites the Body.
It’s no surprise that we’re partial to James K.A. Smith, so when Books and Culture published the article “Irreducibly Embodied,” a review of his latest book, we were instantly interested. Jamie has promised a response, so we’ll be on the lookout for that too.
Jane Hirshfield tells us to write poetry that we may encounter the unexpected and mysterious: “To step into a poem is to agree to risk. Writing takes down all protections.” If we may add, on a practical level, reading/writing poetry just makes us better orators, pastors, writers and communicators.
The subject matter of mental illness is what landed this piece into our purewow.
Our faith communities cannot afford to be without their own silver linings playbook, so we are asking: Who is brave enough to talk about this?
“The New Age of Christian Martyrdom” by Kirsten Powers is a must read this week because . . . people. Because prayer. Because remembering. Because hope.
I always ask Christians in countries [where persecution occurs], what can we do for you? The number one thing they say is, “Don’t forget about us.”
Your dreams of inhabiting an old, drafty home where you may stumble out of bed at noon and spend the rest of the day writing and making casually insightful remarks to your calico cat can come true thanks to an organization called Write a House. The catch is you have to live in Detroit. Or, you GET to live in Detroit.
I’ll be honest, every time a public figure or celebrity announces retirement, I whisper, “Please don’t Brett Favre this.” With dignity and grace Tony Campolo has promised he won’t. The man will be missed by many.
“Too often, we old guys hang on too long and steal the spotlight from the new, bright, shining stars emerging as speakers and leaders,” Campolo said. “We keep occupying leadership without stepping aside and getting behind these speakers.”
The country in every one of our devices.
During a week filled with buzz over Oscar noms, we felt we were doing our subversive part by reading this New Yorker article about the value of more independent films. You can be honest, is that giving ourselves too much credit? Also, why film critics seem to be resisting the Christian message inherent in Terrance Malick’s recent films.
An examination of “work” (or why Do What You Love–DWYL—is the phrase of the privileged). H/T David Fitch
Certainly weddings say something about the way we are posturing our marriages. Lately, some are observing that that it is possible to have a joyful and meaningful ceremony without all the, well, ceremony. (We are all in favor of ascetic weddings if they mean no more rented tuxes and ugly bridesmaid dresses, yes?)
What are you reading this week?